Congregation Lubavitch

זמני התפילות של ימי החול

Weekday Davening Times

Shacharis שחרית
6:30* AM

* When Rosh Chodesh and fast day are on Mon-Fri begins at 6:15 כשר”ח או יום תענית חל בימי ב’-ו’ מתחילים *
7:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:30 AM

Mincha מנחה

12:30 pm- standard time, 1:30 pm daylight savings time

*Time may vary up to 12:40/1:40 depending on the zman of mincha gedolah.

Additional Minyan at 6:30pm during the summer

Mariv מעריב
Bizman בזמן
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
8:45 PM
9:45 PM

*Depending on the zman of tzes hakochavim

Shabbos Schedule.
Friday Mincha – 5 minutes after candle lighting
Kabalos Shabbos – approximately 40 minutes after candle lighting
Shabbos Shacharis – 10:00 AM
Shabbos Mincha – 10 minutes before candle lighting time
Mariv – at the Zman

for further details or any questions
please contact the Gaboim at